
Training Video

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Green Technology

Green Technology also called “Go Green,” it is an important technology that is bringing greater awareness of what can be done to preserve our environment and save our planet.  The definition of green technology is necessary in helping to understand what “go green” represent; it includes terms such as clean technology and environmental technology.  Green technology has different types of energy resources that are referred to as renewable energy, which is infinite; and non-renewable energy which is finite.   The various types of “go green” projects main focus is on being eco-friendly or ways that promote green technology; which include green lights, go green at work, go paperless, go green vehicles, composting, as well as solar energy and wind energy.  The benefits from these projects are numerous but the most important benefit of “going green” is being able to dispose of waste that helps promote a clean earth.  Communities can do their part by setting good habits and instituting the “Three Re’s;” which stands for reduce, reuse, recycle.  If individuals, families and nations would utilize these standards and set goals to “go green” we would all be able to live in a healthier environment, have a better quality of life and in turn create an ecological balance for all living things.  To become friendlier to the environment and the planet and by becoming aware of what steps can be taken to “go green,” we will be able to pass along the gift of a clean environment to future generations.  
Read More...Let's Go Green

Personal Communications Review

             The communications review of my personal life including interpersonal, group and organizational communications skills.  I will review in more detail my abilities, my inabilities, what has inspired me and who has inspired me.  I will look into what I have learned during this course through applying theories and approaches and I will cite examples of thoughts and interactions to further show my communications pattern.  Throughout the paper I will also share personal experiences from my family's value and how that influenced my organizational and group communications; I will also talk about how these have affected my dream of earning my degree.
My communications classes began with Aristotle and the rhetoricians.  It has been described that it is important for communications to have a pattern.  The pattern should include ethos, logos and pathos; in essence the persons character, logic and emotion.  I read an article about Aristotle and it said:  “He believed it was an art that could and should be studied and that good rhetoric was not only persuasive, but also ethical. He stated that all public presentations are some balance of three rhetorical proofs: ethos (ethical), pathos (emotional), and logos (logical).  (Fournier, 2011).