
Training Video

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Words to live by...

Thought of the Day…

“In the last analysis, what we are communicates

                 far more eloquently than anything

                                                we say or do.”

                                                                     ~Stephen Covey~

The Impact of Technology on Communications

Conflict Resolution

As a department manager I would have set customer service performance guidelines for my team, both individually and as a team.  Based on these guidelines I would have established a plan and part of our plan would include weekly team meetings to review team performance and quarterly meetings to review our metrics individually.  I would have explained that these meetings are in place to help guide our performance levels, identify individual employee performance; what they are doing well and if there are any needed improvements.  I would also emphasize that employee feedback is valued and valuable; I want employees to be communicate thoughts, ideas and issues, give feedback on the work environment, as well as the morale of the team.